Thursday, March 20, 2008

Legal Advice

Photojojo has a post on Photography and the Law. I'm no lawyer, but I would think that it would apply to videographers as well. I've had a couple of the issues they cover come up over the years, like issue #1:
I. Anyone in a public place can take pictures of anything they want. Public places include parks, sidewalks, malls, etc. Malls? Yeah. Even though it’s technically private property, being open to the public makes it public space.
I've been stopped by mall security when shooting in a mall, even though I was hired to shoot a commercial for the particular store that I was shooting. Most security guards around here, though, tend to let you do whatever you want if they see you have a camera.
Of course, beware their disclaimer:
...we’re not lawyers. None of this should be construed as legal advice. If you have a legal issue, get in touch with a lawyer. Much of this information was gleaned from attorney Bert P. Krages‘ website, so we’ll go ahead and recommend him.

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